Mojahid Ahmed Siddiqui, PGDM I Year, GIMS, Greater Noida
Priyanka Srivastava, PGDM I Year, GIMS, Greater Noida
It seems as if it’s been ages since we were asked to stay at home and avoid moving out unless something very urgent. Staying at homes has become an integral part of our professional as well as personal life. Most of the industry began to operate remotely from homes. Many didn’t even give remote workplace design a thought at first. But then the prolonged pandemic has made it necessary to design remote workplace for the possible industries.
While other industries were working remotely, there wasn’t any shortage of great tips and innovative ideas of running events online using the available resources. Event companies came up with new ideas and ways of organizing online events. Many of the online events have been a bigger success than the on-ground event. Pandemic was a boon for the event industry as it has put a great impact on the event manager’s mindset. Now, that the conditions are expected to get better due to the vaccine, the in- person events stand a possibility of a comeback. Still the event managers are thinking about the online aspect as well. The Bended mode is in and will remain in the picture for the times to come. As online event organization has eased up for the participants to attend the events dramatically rising up the number of participants in the events. Post pandemic also the event companies need proper plan apart from on- ground planning due to venue capacity being restricted, some people won’t feel comfortable travelling and others simply enjoy the many pros of attending events remotely.
Also, during the on-ground event planning many things needs to be taken care of, for the attendee safety. This includes a series of cleaning, disinfecting, disease prevention standards with the aim of promoting the health and safety of attendees.
After nearly more than a year of virtual events, the industry has learned a thing or two. That included having a digital- first mindset when it comes to pleasing the attendees. Increasingly more planners are opting to use studios to either broadcast live or pre-record the sessions for the virtual events and venues have been paying attention to the upcoming needs of the planners. Several facilities have begun building their own broadcasting studios that will not only offer an exciting event to those attending physically, but also to those tuning it remotely.
Budgets will also have to be increased as the needs of two very different audiences will have to be addressed. But the increased budget will result in more success and returns to the organizers as the audience engagement would be much more due to enhanced experience.
Therefore, be it offline or online the crux of the matter is that the event management industry still continues to flourish either opting for a fully online or a blended session. The infrastructure is readily available supporting the blended form of events which makes it a win-win situation for both the event companies and the event sponsors, not to forget the audience of the event.